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Request a Trip Info Packet & Application

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Come join the mission of Vapor Ministries on a short-term trip!

upcoming trips

Click on a Trip Name to View Information Packet





May 10 - 18, 2025


July 19 - 27, 2025


August 23 - 31, 2025


October 25 - November 2







Our trip dates are carefully planned and scheduled to maximize their effectiveness and minimize disruptions to the ongoing work of our indigenous teams in Africa and Haiti. Factors we consider:


  • Collaborating with Our Indigenous Team: We work closely with our indigenous teams to select mission trip dates. Our goal is to align our trips with the schedule of our discipleship sports leagues, which are an integral part of our outreach programs. This allows us to effectively engage with the local communities and enhance our discipleship efforts.

  • Avoiding Local Elections: We also make a concerted effort to steer clear of local elections when scheduling mission trips. This helps to maintain a safe and stable environment during your visit, as elections can sometimes lead to unpredictable situations.

  • Consideration for ongoing outreach: Hosting mission trip participants adds an additional load to our indigenous teams, who are already engaged in daily outreach. We carefully plan mission trips to ensure that the burden on our teams is manageable and sustainable, as their primary focus remains on the ongoing work in the community.


Given the factors mentioned above, it is not feasible for us to change our already scheduled mission trip dates for 2024. We would be delighted to host you on one of these trips!

What to expect

Vapor Ministries' Trips are Multi-faceted

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Spiritual & Personal Development


Guest grow under relevant biblical teaching, process experiences in facilitated group discussions, and end each day with reflection and journaling time promoting transformation that outlasts the trip.

Anchor 1
  • What do I need to pack?
     Light Jacket** (Africa)  Light rain jacket or poncho  Short-sleeved shirts**  Lightweight pants**  Longer shorts (3 inches above the knee or longer)**  Socks  Swim/shower shoes  Comfortable closed toed shoes/work shoes  Hat  Work clothes*  Work gloves **No camouflage attire Additional Items  Small size toiletries  Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant  Medications  Sunscreen  Sunglasses  Chapstick  Insect Repellent  Antibacterial gel/wipes  Wet wipes  Earplugs  Bible  Pens  Headlamp  Camera/Phone  Portable charger  Converter/Adapter  Travel snacks  Passport  Wallet/passport carrier  Spending money
  • How much spending money should I bring?
    Most trip participants bring $100-$200 for trips to Haiti and $200-$300 for trips to Kenya and Togo. Spending money is needed for food during travel days, extra snacks, and any souvenirs you may choose to purchase.
  • What is the weather like?
    Weather varies depending on what time of the year the trip occurs and which country the trip is visiting. We try to schedule trips during the non-rainy season of each country, however, this does not guarantee dry weather. • Haiti tends to be hot and humid. • Kenya is generally warm during the day, but can get cool at night requiring a long-sleeve shirt or light jacket. • Togo is always extremely warm. Weather forecasts will be sent to each participant, as they are available, in order to assist with packing.
  • Will I need any vaccinations before traveling?
    Vapor Ministries does not require trip participants to receive certain vaccinations in order to participate in Vapor Trips*, and we cannot legally make personal recommendations for trip participants. Vapor Ministries does recommend that each participant visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website to learn more about which vaccines and/or medications are recommended in the specific country you will be visiting. We also recommend that you discuss the best options for you with your family doctor. • Togo: The government of Togo requires proof of Yellow Fever vaccination for all travelers, except infants. •Kenya/Haiti: The governments of Kenya and Haiti require proof of Yellow Fever vaccination if you are traveling from a country with risk of Yellow Fever (this does not include the US).
  • Will I need a visa?
    Visas are required for entry into all three countries where Vapor Ministries serves. Kenya’s Visa process is an online application that must be filled out before arrival in the country. Visas for Haiti and Togo are acquired upon entering the country.
  • Who will be leading the trip?
    Each trip will be led by an experienced Vapor Ministries trip leader who will be assisted by at least one other member of our staff.
  • Will I participate in a service project on my trip?
    Yes! We love to join our local team members and the local community to join alongside them in work they are doing. Past projects have included helping a village build a road, teaching discipleship lessons, cooking and serving food to league participants, center maintenance projects, and more. The project for your particular trip will be decided in the weeks leading up to your arrival and will be based on the local needs of the center.
  • What is Vapor Ministries' policy for cancelling a trip?
    Guest Initiated Cancellation: If a confirmed guest decides not to go on their trip, regardless of the reason, he or she is not guaranteed any refund. However, Vapor Ministries will do its best to apply any unused funds to a future trip within one year. That guest will be responsible for paying all non-refundable deposits and their share of any pre- arranged group activities such as humanitarian aid items, work projects, group tours, etc. Some airlines will offer a flight credit for canceled flights. If applicable, we will connect you to the appropriate agent to inquire about credits. Vapor Ministries Initiated Cancellation: Minimum Guest Requirement Not Met Vapor Ministries secures group rates and plans trips based on a minimum of 12 participants per trip. If a trip reaches three months before launch with fewer than 12 guests, we may have to cancel the trip. If Vapor Ministries cancels a trip due to lack of interest, guests will be reassigned to another trip as soon as possible. Safety & Security Vapor Ministries does our best to stay on top of world events, weather forecasts, and security concerns in the areas we serve. While each individual on a team is responsible for making his or her own decision about whether their personal security would be at risk, there may be a time when Vapor Ministries feels that the security of our team is at too great a risk to continue with a trip. Criteria for this decision are available upon request. If Vapor Ministries cancels a trip due to safety concerns, guests will be reassigned to another trip as soon as possible.
  • What about safety and security?
    We do our best to stay on top of world events, weather forecasts, and security concerns in the areas we serve. While each individual is responsible to make his or her own decision about their own personal security, there may be a time when Vapor Ministries feels there is too great a risk to proceed with a trip*. If Vapor Ministries cancels a trip due to safety concerns, guests will be given the option of joining a different trip. If a guest is unable to do so, they will receive a refund for all money sent to Vapor Ministries except any lost in deposits or non-refundable pre-paid items. *Criteria for this decision are available upon request.
  • Can I fundraise for my trip?
    Absolutely! There are lots of fundraising ideas that you can find online. Here are a few: Starting a GoFundMe page: This is as easy as creating an account, setting a goal, describing the purpose of your fundraiser, and sharing it with anyone and everyone you know. There are several websites that offer these services but be sure to check the policies because some of the websites take a percentage of your earnings. Sponsor Letters: This might be old school but it’s a little more personal than a social media post or mass fundraising event. Type up a letter about why you feel called to missions and what you will get to do on the trip you plan to go on. The key here is to make it personal, maybe even include a picture of a past mission trip you have been on or a picture of the area you plan to visit. Send this letter out to close family and friends and be sure to follow up with those who contribute. Make a “Pick a Number” Board: This one is easy and super popular right now! All you have to do is make a poster or graphic that has different numbers on it. You can choose how many numbers you want to include, many people do 1-50, but the amount is completely up to you! The idea of this fundraiser is to get supporters to “pick a number” for the amount they will donate. If they pick 36, they donate $36. Once someone has chosen a number, you cross it off the board. When all the numbers are crossed off, you will find that you have raised a good portion of your goal. Make t-shirts: If you don’t feel comfortable asking people to just hand you money, you could always offer something in return! There are tons of websites that allow you to create and design t-shirts for very cheap. Design a t-shirt with a quote, Bible verse, or world map to display your passion for missions, advertise it on your social media and start taking orders. The key here is to wait until you accumulate a good number of orders because the more t-shirts you buy, the less expensive they will be to make. Prints or Postcards: If you can draw, use that gift! It’s super easy to take a work of art and make it into a print for postcards or generic greeting cards, and who doesn’t love custom stationary? Maybe you could even draw or paint a picture of the place you will be visiting to make it more personal. It doesn’t cost much to print these things and for a good cause, people don’t mind paying a little more for them. Restaurant Fundraiser: You would be surprised how many restaurants are willing to partner up for a fundraising event. Pick a restaurant and decide on a date for your fundraiser. Typically, you will receive 15-20% of sales from the night that you choose along with any other donations people contribute. With the restaurant’s permission, it would also be a great idea to set up a table for information about your mission trip so people know more about what their money is going towards.

What trip guests say

What impacted me the most on this Vapor Trip is the reminder and revealing of what truly matters in this life: relationships. Whether it be our relationship with God or relationships with others; how we love and treat those around us is what this short time on earth is all about.

I feel tired & refreshed. It was emotionally overwhelming to see the Vapor Ministries Centers in motion. Everything has its purpose, its place and its season. The gentleness and care of the staff is always a reflection of the values Vapor holds around the value of ALL human beings

What impacted me the most on this trip was the intentional, genuine relationships that I witnessed firsthand. It was very inspirational. I loved how the Vapor Ministries staff and the people of Kenya welcomed us so freely into their hearts!

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