“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.” Isaiah 52:7

Little feet travel the dirt road for miles focused on their destination. Each week they venture away from home, minds set on the taste of something sweet. They are yet to understand how profound it is, that their feet would come in bare and walk out beautiful.

As a farmer, Edem harvests beans, corn, and cassava with the hope of selling them in the local market to provide for his wife and eight children. He first learned about Vapor Ministries several years ago while working a routine day in his fields. He was visited by a team from the Vapor Center conducting community outreach, bringing food and other supplies as a gift. Since then, his children have walked three miles each way multiple times a week to immerse themselves in Vapor’s discipleship league.

While at Vapor Ministries, Edem's children are fed the Word of God and nourished through life-on-life mentoring programs that equip them to carry the Light. Today, all eight of his children go to church every Sunday.
The family has also benefited from periodic food provision and has even had vital healthcare expenses paid by the ministry. And though Edem has a traditional uncovered well just feet from his front door, he chooses to make the tiresome journey to collect free filtered water from the Vapor center.
“Our water is salty,” Edem explained. “Vapor water is sweet.”
Your generosity is welcoming thousands of feet traveling dusty roads across Africa and Haiti. Your faithfulness is ushering God’s sweet Spirit into once thirsty souls. Your hope is pouring into dry and cracked lands, bringing forth a flourishing harvest.

While their father may not yet know his Heavenly One, Edem’s children do. We are prayerful that through the Good News carried by his little ones he will encounter and embrace his eternal Father. Your love is paving the path of possibility.
Thank you for meeting needs, feeding souls, and elevating God.
I will like to share the gospel around the world but I need help M name is STEPHEN ADJETEY OKAN from Ghana and also to established s centrr for children and adults